The back dimple piercing has gained immense popularity over the last decade or so. It looks very sexy and there is a definite craze among young women to go for such a piercing type. You must have seen a lot of celebrities and fashion models opting …
Body Piercings
Vampire Bites Piercing – All You Need to Know
The very name of the Vampire sends a chill down the spine. And the billboards and posters proclaiming “Piercing Done Here” or even “Vampire Piercing” attract the young like flies to an ointment. It is vaunted as the top attraction for Generation Z. …
Collar Bone Piercing – Guide and Aftercare Tips
The Art of Piercing is an ancient skill. Tribals in many parts of the World are Masters of this Art. The oldest mummy ever found that of an affluent male was from the date of 5300 BC. Named Okzi, this was a man of high fashion. Not just his …
Corset Piercing – Risks, Aftercare, and Inspirational Ideas
Body piercing is a unique form of beautifying the body. It is very ancient and was a part of body fashion since the Stone Age. With the change in time, we had many different forms of body piercing and one of them is corset piercing. It is a piercing …